Friday, March 25, 2011

Do you think Kingsisle should make pet changes? *edited*

I would like to conclude hybrid pets and Ask Kingsisle to make changes to the hybrids.
Hybrid pets should change cards. For example, Tempest hound should give Storm orthrus card. I think that would be exciting.
Pets should only have 4 slots for talents and 4 slots for derby talents. I dont understand why there are excess slots. It should automatically choose which talents the pet inherits.
Also, I would like to have a pet that could change color. We would be able to dye our pets whatever color. THAT WOULD BE COOL.
If these changes make it to the live game, I would be honored.


  1. I like the idea of the Tempest Hound having a Storm Orthrus card, but I think if there were only 4 slots for Talents and Derby, it would be BORING, but if you have lots to choose from, it's more intresting and fun. I'm sorry that we don't agree with each other, but that's what I think about it. Bye!

    ~Ashley from the website Ashley's Tips and Pips. :)

  2. I agree with Ashley but one thing I would add is that mabye having pet armor or clothes that allow them battle abilities to help you would be nice -Mitchell


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