Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cloud o Bugs, May cast Locust Swarm?

I just noticed some guy with  a krok pet and tried to hatch with him. He cancelled the hatch before I could take a pic. But from what I saw, It gave Cloud o bug talent. It said May cast Locust Swarm! WOW. Anyone know about this? Anyone know what pet carries it? Petnome, prepare to make space for this hidden talent!


  1. Cloud O' Bugs isn't a secret, but it's a very awesome talent!

  2. It was given to people who had lost their pets, or a 1st generation talent from Spider Golem. Kingsisle doesn't want it being mixed around, but they apparently can't stop it from being mixed. Its only good in PvP IMHO, but this is known :)

  3. I know someone with a hydra with it

  4. I hatched with a friend whos pet had that talent and i got the same pet but with a higher pedifree. I was wondering if anyone knew how to increase the chance of getting cloud o bugs?

  5. I'd hate to tell you this, but he probably mixed with somebody to get it on his krok.

  6. Its very easy to get it. I got it on my second pet. It was a mistake by KI and it spread through hatching. I got one, but I'm looking for good pets in return. ;P


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